Supercross Videos

2008 Daytona Supercross Highlights - Best Race in SX!!

The Popularity of Supercross Motorcycle Racing When you think about racing, what is the first sport that comes to mind? If you are like most other Americans, it is likely that you would respond with NASCAR. NASCAR is, by far, the most popular racing sport in the United States, but do you know what comes in at a close second? 

Supercross motorcycle racing is a popular sport. It isn t just popular, it is also action packed. Supercross motorcycle racing takes place indoors, on man-made tracks. These tracks are, in a way, similar to obstacle courses. They are often decked out with the highest jumps and other fun adventures. The goal of supercross racing is not only to master the course, but to come in first. 

Supercross Racing Fans: Support Your Favorite Rider Do you know where football, baseball, or NASCAR would be today if it weren t for their fans? Honestly, they probably wouldn t be anywhere. In all sports, the fans are, essentially, what makes the sport so popular. The same can be said for supercross motorcycle racing. 

Perhaps, the greatest benefit of participating in supercross motorcycle racing, or even motocross racing, is the excitement. As previously mentioned, supercross motorcycle racing, as well as motocross racing, is considered action packed. The racing part, alone, is enough to cause excitement, but that is not all there is to the sport. 

These man-made tracks are often indoors. The tracks will vary, depending on the type of supercross race, but most tracks have numerous obstacles, which include jumps. The goal of supercross is to maneuver your motorcycle throughout the track to finish first. As previously mentioned, the type of man-made track will all depend on the type of supercross race being run. 

Although the pay might not be high, it may be enough to pay for all of your racing expenses. Speaking of racing expenses, if you are interested in participating in supercross motorcycle racing, you will find that it can be quite expensive. To safely participate in supercross racing, you will need to have an off-road motorcycle.