Supercross Videos

Chad Reed Black Flagged for Retaliation at Anaheim 2 - 2015 Supercross

To understand the popularity of supercross motorcycle racing, you must first understand the sport itself. Supercross racing is almost exactly like motocross racing, but it takes place indoors, in most cases. Instead of creating a man-made track outside, a man-made track is created indoors. These events mostly take place in large football stadiums or other similar venues. 

Although Jeremy McGrath accomplished a lot with supercross racing, he is, perhaps, most well-known for his rookie season. He was the first rookie racer to win the 250cc Supercross Championship. That win came in 1993. However, his rookie year was just the beginning. Jeremy McGrath went on to set even more records. 

Most supercross motorcycle racing tracks are made of dirt, but many supercross BMX racing tracks are made with sand. Even though many BMX courses use sand, there are some that still use dirt. The BMX racing surface will all depend on the preference of race promoters. You will also find that the tracks are relatively short. 

Although supercross motorcycle racing is a fun and exciting sport, many parents are worried about the motorcycle part of it. If you are one of those parents, you have a number of different options. All of these options will allow your child to follow their dream, but without you having to spend endless days and nights worrying about the safety of your child. 

The only difference between the two is that motocross races tend to take place outdoors, while supercross racing events are mostly held indoors. In the early seventies, motocross racing started taking the world and racing fans by storm. The only problem with motocross racing was that it was held outdoors, often in rural areas. 

For this reason, you may want to use your own backyard or search for a local motocross track. Both are great ways to get experience with off-road racing and possibly even prepare yourself for a career in supercross motorcycle racing. When it comes to buying the equipment and the supplies needed for supercross motorcycle racing, many individuals, maybe even yourself, automatically think of an off-road motorcycle.